How knowledgeable are you about fitness and exercise? Learn the definitions of fitness terms.
If you’re getting to walk the walk of normal workouts, you furthermore may get to talk the talk. start by becoming conversant in a number of the essential terms of fitness and exercise.
Exercise and Fitness Glossary
Aerobic. Involving repetitive use of the massive muscles, temporarily increase pulse and respiration.
Balance. the power to take care of bodily equilibrium while standing still or moving.
Balance training. Activities designed to enhance challenges to balance.
Baseline activity. activities of lifestyle, like standing and walking slowly.
Body composition. The proportion of lean mass (composed of muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat within the body.
Bone-strengthening activity. Physical activities that involve impact or tension on the bones, promoting bone growth and strength. Lifting weights, running, and jumping rope are examples.
Cardio-respiratory endurance. the power to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues over a sustained period of your time.
Duration. How long it takes for an activity or exercise to be performed.
Exercise. Repetitive physical activity performed so as to enhance or maintain fitness or health.
Flexibility. The range of motion possible at a joint, or the power to use joints and muscles through their full range of motion.
Flexibility exercise. Exercise designed to enhance the power of a joint to maneuver through a full range of motion.
Intensity. the quantity of effort required for an activity or exercise.
Interval training. An exercise regimen during which intervals of vigorous activity alternate with less vigorous intervals of recovery.
Isometric exercise. Contraction of muscle without shortening of the muscle, as when pushing against an immovable object.
Lifestyle activities. Activities performed regularly in lifestyle, like climbing stairs or walking.
MET. The abbreviation for metabolic equivalent. The metabolic equivalent may be a unit of energy expenditure, or metabolic cost, of physical activity. One MET is the rate of energy expenditure while sitting at rest.
Moderate-intensity physical activity. Physical activity that increases pulse and respiration, while still allowing conversation.
Muscle-strengthening activity. Activity or exercise designed to figure for one or more muscle
Muscular endurance. the power of muscles to sustain repeated contractions.
Muscular strength. the power of a muscle to exert force.
Physical activity. Any movement that increases energy expenditure above a baseline level.
Physical fitness. the power to perform daily routines without getting overly tired.
Progression. a rise within the intensity, frequency, and/or duration of activity over a period of your time.
Repetitions. In strengthening activities, the amount of times weight is lifted.
Resistance training. Exercise applying resistance to movement, like using weights or stretch bands.
Strength. the power of a muscle or muscle group to exert force.
Vigorous-intensity physical activity. Physical activity that increases pulse and respiration to the purpose that only a couple of words are often spoken before pausing to catch one's breath.